Hall Rental
The I.D.E.S. Hall is available for rent. There is a Large Hall (420 People), Small Hall (200 People), Kitchen and Bar. Please see below for current rental rates.

I.D.E.S. Society Hall
735 Main Street
PO Box 866
Half Moon Bay, CA
Giselle Silva
Rental Message Line (650) 212-6698
Please note this number is for Hall Rental only. Please send any other requests to halfmoonbayides@yahoo.com
The halls are rented several months in advance with some dates into the next 2 years.
Hall Rental Rates
Big Hall – $4,500.00 (Plus a deposit of $2,500.00)
Includes the Kitchen and the Bar.
Small Hall – $1,200.00 (Plus a deposit of $1,500.00)
Includes new Kitchen in the Small Hall.
Full Facility – $5,700.00 (Plus a deposit of $4,000.00)
Includes Big Hall, Small Hall, Full Kitchen, Small Hall Kitchen and Bar.
The hall my be rented hourly for $85.00 per hour with a 4 hour minimum
Please Note
If you are selling alcohol you must have a permit from the ABC.
A certificate of insurance is required for each event.
Security Guards are required for each event and will be provided by the I.D.E.S. for an additional $1,500.
Cleaning fees are included in the price of the hall rental. Damages to the facility or the facility not being returned the way it was found (i.e. tables & chairs put away in organized fashion) will be deducted from the deposit, if there are no damages the deposit will be returned in full.
Additionally, any noise violations will result in deposit being withheld in full.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Event date will only be held once a deposit has been received.
If you cancel the date, your deposit will not be refunded unless the Hall can be re-rented.

Additional Hall Photos